HRFW Bulletins: Information on China
(sorry, listing not complete)
Saving Workers from Being Cannon Fodder, 12/13/02
How To Evaluate China's Progress, 12/13/12
Sweatshops Still Plague China's Workers, Even with Codes, 11/12/02
Alarm Bells for Hong Kong's Future, 11/12/02
Business in China Has Cut Ethical Corners, 9/10/02
Worker Rights Rules Could Help Third World, 9/10/02
Remembering the Cause of China's Workers, 7/6/02
Forgetting the Cause of China's Workers, 7/6/02
Toy Workers in China: Paying for Their Country's Economic Progress, 6/3/02
Do Our Children Need Blood-Stained Toys?, 6/3/02
Asking Sears about Its Made-in-China Merchandise, 5/3/02
China's Workers Struggling To Be Heard, 4/8/02
This Businessman Is a Human Righs Activist, 3/8/02
New Spotlight on China's 'Toys of Misery', 2/1/02
A Hazardous Occupation: Aiding China's Workers, 1/7/02
Diary: Our Christmas Gifts to China's Regime, 1/7/02
Why Congress Should Say No How To Evaluate China's Progresto China on MFN/NTR, 2/14/00
Human Rights Watch Clarifies Position on China, 12/1/99
Putting a Red Face on the Global Economy, 11/19/99
The Wishful Thinking of Human Rights Watch, 11/19/99
Pinning Hopes on a Chinese Gorbachev, 11/19/99
China's 'Holy Trouble-Makers' Speak Out about Laogai, 9/23/99
Monitoring China as It Really Is, 7/29/99
New Code of Conduct Meant Especially For China, 6/2/99
Global Petition on 1989 Protests in China, 5/7/99
'China's Troubled Workers': They're Still Troubled, 5/7/99
An Update on Sweatshops in the Toy Industry, 4/17/99
China Provides Data on Exploitation of Shoe Workers, 4/17/99
Documenting China's Human Rights Crackdown, 2/8/99Why Worker Rights Are Human Rights, 12/14/98
Unusual Insights from China about China, 10/22/98
Ending the Cover-Up About China's Economy, 10/1/98
China, Workers, and the WTO, 8/7/98
Diary: Reflections on Clinton and China, 7/2/98
Hong Kong and Indonesia Demonstrate Asian Values, 6/1/98
Linking Up to Events in China, 4/6/98
Diary: Exploring the Northwest and Beyond, 4/6/98
Pin-Pointing 'Made-in-China' Sweatshops, Even Kathie Lee's, 3/23/98
Exposing a Vast System of Apartheid, 3/11/98
Taiwanese Military Discipline Imposed on China's Workers, 2/23/98
Diary: Getting Wei Jingsheng's Autograph, 2/9/98Shoes Made in China? Here's What We're Paying for, 12/4/97
'Mommy, Are We Killing Chinese Workers?', 11/20/97
'Let Freedom Ring' in China and Tibet: a Message for Two Presidents, 10/24/97
China Labor Bulletin Issues Storm Warning to World Bank and Beijing, 10/3/97
How Many More Workers Will Burn to Death in China? 9/29/97
China's Economic Reforms: Not Quite as Trumpeted, 8/25/97
Indicting China for Torturing Worker Activists, 6/21/97
Corporate Codes Don't Cure Misconduct in China, 6/11/97
How U.S. Underwrites China's Repression, 5/30/97
Subsidizing Oppression: a Letter to the Times, 4/7/97
Solidarity with Hong Kong's Workers, 3/25/97
A Deal That Didn't Budge Beijing, 3/8/97
Foreign Affairs and China's Workers, 2/11/97A Troublemaker Names a U.S. Brand, 12/18/96
How China's Reforms Impact Workers: an Insider's Report, 6/3/96
Fang Lizhi on Double Standards for MFN Trade Privileges, 4/11/96
China's 'Appalling Record' Under Sustained Fire from Amnesty, 3/23/96
How Come So Much on China? 2/23/96
Treacherous Union Voyages to Beijing, China, 2/11/96
Articles by HRFW's Editor:
Exploring a New Frontier, China Rights Forum, summer, 1998
China's Troubled Workers (with Anita Chan), Foreign Affairs, March/April 1997
China's Wei, Commonweal, 3/8/96
The Saga of Harry Wu, Foreign Service Journal, 12/1995
Pirates on the Loose, Commonweal, 5/5/95
Sources on the Web:
China Labor Watch at http://www.chinalaborwatch.org
China Labour Bulletin at http://www.china-labour.org.hk
Hong Kong Christian Industrial Committee at http://www.cic.org.hk
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions at http://www.hkctu.org.hk
Hong Kong Liaison Office of the Internaional Trade Union Movement at http://www.ihlo.org
Laogai Research Foundation at http://www.laogai.org
Human Rights in China at http://www.hrichina.org
Human Rights Watch at http://www.hrw.org
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions at http://www.icftu.org
Workers Remember Campaign at http://www.workrsremember.org
Human Rights for Workers (this section partially updated on 12/10/02)
Robert A. Senser, editor
Copyright 2002
robert@senser.com. (Send e-mail)
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